Fallout new vegas

The easiest way to win Is to raise your intelligence, science and speech skills

The easiest way to win Is to raise your intelligence, science and speech skills  Fallout new vegas

Bullet to the head, almost dies survives rockets, bullets, and grenades from there on

Bullet to the head, almost dies survives rockets, bullets, and grenades from there on  Fallout new vegas

Bottle of Buffout One Pill

Bottle of Buffout One Pill  Fallout new vegas

Robot companion is damaged? Give it drugs

Robot companion is damaged? Give it drugs  Fallout new vegas

underwater take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen

underwater take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen  Fallout new vegas

accidentally pick up something of desk Everyone tries to kill you

accidentally pick up something of desk Everyone tries to kill you  Fallout new vegas

Know their name before talkin to them

Know their name before talkin to them  Fallout new vegas

HEAVILY TRAINED NCR TROOPER EH? Im a middle aged asian woman with a lead pipe

HEAVILY TRAINED NCR TROOPER EH? Im a middle aged asian woman with a lead pipe  Fallout new vegas

enter someone's home with weapon drawn, walk next to them, crouch down right behind their chair [ hidden ]

enter someone's home with weapon drawn, walk next to them, crouch down right behind their chair [ hidden ]  Fallout new vegas

Mature enough to take surviving in the wasteland seriously still laughs at "power fist"

Mature enough to take surviving in the wasteland seriously  still laughs at
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