Fallout new vegas

put down 20 bottlecap mines outside locked shed in Andale Go inside, then come back out. watch all townsfolk explode and soar through the sky team rocket style.

put down 20 bottlecap mines outside locked shed in Andale Go inside, then come back out. watch all townsfolk explode and soar through the sky team rocket style.  Fallout new vegas

Dad gives you sentimental BB gun for your tenth birthday Immediately Sell it in Megaton for 10 caps

Dad gives you sentimental BB gun for your tenth birthday Immediately Sell it in Megaton for 10 caps  Fallout new vegas

npc gives one flippant response time to save game

npc gives one flippant response time to save game  Fallout new vegas

Turn on Ham Radio Nothing happens at all ever

Turn on Ham Radio Nothing happens at all ever  Fallout new vegas

Kill powder ganger: karma gained steal from powder ganger: karma lost

Kill powder ganger:
karma gained steal from powder ganger:
karma lost  Fallout new vegas

Breaks authentic cap making machine for 500 caps

Breaks authentic cap making machine for 500 caps  Fallout new vegas

Get a haircut to grow a beard

Get a haircut to grow a beard  Fallout new vegas

100 hours of gameplay 75 of them are checking metal boxes

100 hours of gameplay 75 of them are checking metal boxes  Fallout new vegas

Disintegrates opponent to ashes can still take all items

Disintegrates opponent to ashes can still take all items  Fallout new vegas

Goes into radiation in order to receive G.E.C.K. after freeing him from Vault 87 Lets radiation kill you in order to activate Project Purity

Goes into radiation in order to receive G.E.C.K. after freeing him from Vault 87 Lets radiation kill you in order to activate Project Purity  Fallout new vegas
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