Engineering Professor

does right hand rule wrong regularly

does right hand rule wrong regularly  Engineering Professor

my name's murgu im a fucking douche bag

my name's murgu im a fucking douche bag  Engineering Professor

Can't understand professor so you rely on learning from the textbook Professor wrote the textbook

Can't understand professor so you rely on learning from the textbook Professor wrote the textbook  Engineering Professor

Class requires $100 textbook doesn't use it

Class requires $100 textbook doesn't use it  Engineering Professor

"There's something wrong with your code" Oops, bug in the simulator

Says he became a professor to help young students Really just never wanted a real job

Says he became a professor to help young students Really just never wanted a real job  Engineering Professor

Real world is open-book YOUR FINAL IS NOT.

Real world is open-book YOUR FINAL IS NOT.  Engineering Professor

" if Quantum physics was easy, It would be your mom"

corrects error in exam problem halfway through, doesn't give extra time.

corrects error in exam problem halfway through, doesn't give extra time.  Engineering Professor

"I'll allow a cheat sheet for the exam" Doesn't Help

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