Engineering Professor

You have received an infraction at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE Forums LOl hard at the motivation

You have received an infraction at DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE Forums LOl hard at the motivation  Engineering Professor

"You might need to recall a tiny bit of calculus for this class" derivatives. everywhere.

Last Day of Classes? Better Start a new chapter

Last Day of Classes? Better Start a new chapter  Engineering Professor

Fluid Mechanics Guys pelease come to your tootorial!

Fluid Mechanics Guys pelease come to your tootorial!  Engineering Professor

"Study from Hw #3" None of the questions on the test look like Hw #3

Class at 9:15am? Better schedule the exam for 6:00pm.

Class at 9:15am? Better schedule the exam for 6:00pm.  Engineering Professor

They said natural penis enlargement was impossible I told them it's all about riding the fatigue.

They said natural penis enlargement was impossible I told them it's all about riding the fatigue.  Engineering Professor

"You should have adequate time for this final" no one finishes on time

In class: 1+1=2 Exam: John has four apples and gives one away. Calculate the mass of the sun.

In class: 1+1=2 Exam: John has four apples and gives one away. Calculate the mass of the sun.  Engineering Professor

"Temos de aumentar a qualidade do ensino." "Temos de arranjar maneira de os alunos prosseguirem os estudos" Propina maxima. Triplicam custo das melhorias.

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