Engineering Professor

Want to ask.. "does your ass ever get jealous of all the shit that comes out your mouth"

Want to ask..

Catches students on Facebook during lecture lectures over Facebook chat

Catches students on Facebook during lecture lectures over Facebook chat  Engineering Professor

"You turned in your essay early?" "Its not my fault that I lost it"

100 hours of curriculum 7 for doing something 93 for write about what we have done

100 hours of curriculum 7 for doing something
93 for write about what we have done  Engineering Professor

Wrote the textbook Contradicts it

Wrote the textbook Contradicts it  Engineering Professor

"you should feel comfortable asking questions in class" Makes you feel stupid.

Lab? "Oh, that will have nothing to do with lecture."


"I will have to finish this problem next time." Never finishes problem Problem shows up on test

This circuit is extremely unpractical, unstable and prone to violent oscillations. design the circuit and find the frequency response at 15 different bias points.

This circuit is extremely unpractical, unstable and prone to violent oscillations.  design the circuit and find the frequency response at 15 different bias points.   Engineering Professor

has been studying his subject for 30 years assumes you will understand it after 3 classes

has been studying his subject for 30 years assumes you will understand it after 3 classes  Engineering Professor
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