Engineering Professor

Won't test you over this shows up on test

Won't test you over this shows up on test  Engineering Professor

Speaks with thick accent Writes only in cursive

Speaks with thick accent Writes only in cursive  Engineering Professor

It's not sciene... It's math

It's not sciene... It's math  Engineering Professor

What do you mean you dont understand how bolus matches up with the number 10? ...

What do you mean you dont understand how bolus matches up with the number 10? ...  Engineering Professor

Has 3 degrees in technology Can't work the projector

Has 3 degrees in technology Can't work the projector  Engineering Professor

The exam should only take an hour makes a test that no one finishes in a 2 hour session

The exam should only take an hour makes a test that no one finishes in a 2 hour session  Engineering Professor

Thinks hes handsome has a veiny penis

Thinks hes handsome has a veiny penis  Engineering Professor

Shows you how to do the problem in your calculator no calculators allowed on tests

Shows you how to do the problem in your calculator no calculators allowed on tests  Engineering Professor

Gives you a list of topics for the final Only tests on other things

Gives you a list of topics for the final Only tests on other things  Engineering Professor

has mastered the most complicated programming languages struggles to speak broken english

has mastered the most complicated programming languages struggles to speak broken english  Engineering Professor
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