Engineering Professor

Everyone's lab goes horribly wrong just include it in your error report

Everyone's lab goes horribly wrong just include it in your error report  Engineering Professor

Allows cheat sheet on test One-sided, no words or figures

Allows cheat sheet on test One-sided, no words or figures  Engineering Professor

"There will be no curve in this class" Drops your lowest test grade and gives automatic extra credit

Assigns 10 pages of homework Randomly grades two problems

Assigns 10 pages of homework Randomly grades two problems  Engineering Professor

Johnny has four apples and gives away 1 calculate the mass of the sun

Johnny has four apples and gives away 1 calculate the mass of the sun  Engineering Professor

Is that clear enough for you? Now do the dishes, bitch

Is that clear enough for you? Now do the dishes, bitch  Engineering Professor

"Now we have a scalar, algebraic equation, so it's simple to solve" still has 5 unknowns

Says we're going to get out early today 11:48

Says we're going to get out early today 11:48  Engineering Professor

I don't expect anyone to finish the test no curve

I don't expect anyone to finish the test no curve  Engineering Professor

2 minutes left in class Looks like we have time for one more easy one.

2 minutes left in class Looks like we have time for one more easy one.  Engineering Professor
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