Engineering Professor

Taught same math class for 40 years Makes daily mistakes

Taught same math class for 40 years Makes daily mistakes  Engineering Professor

"Lets do an example" example was on last weeks homework

EGR 468: Heat transfer "Do every problem in the book, and spend time with your family"

EGR 468: Heat transfer

Weekly Assignment requires 12 hours does not grade it

Weekly Assignment requires 12 hours does not grade it  Engineering Professor

Here's step 1, 2 and 3 and thus step 456 should be obvious

Here's step 1, 2 and 3 and thus step 456 should be obvious  Engineering Professor

uses tons of greek letters all semester Realize night before final professor never said what they represent and it's not in your book.

uses tons of greek letters all semester Realize night before final professor never said what they represent and it's not in your book.  Engineering Professor

I know thanksgiving break is coming up so you'll have plenty of time to work on these assignments

I know thanksgiving break is coming up so you'll have plenty of time to work on these assignments  Engineering Professor

"use the quizzes to study for the exam" Hands them back the day of the exam

My Office Hours are during your Class Problem?

My Office Hours are during your Class Problem?  Engineering Professor

Review session optional Gets mad when only half the class shows up

Review session optional Gets mad when only half the class shows up  Engineering Professor
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