Engineering Professor

"today. we'll take it easy and play some games" makes you memorize the periodic table in sign language

Gives practice midterm Midterm nothing like practice midterm

Gives practice midterm Midterm nothing like practice midterm  Engineering Professor

Your Democ Final is on a Saturday

Your Democ Final is on a Saturday  Engineering Professor

Fire Drill During Class... Teaches Outside

Fire Drill During Class... Teaches Outside  Engineering Professor

You must learn everything to pass exam has two questions

You must learn everything to pass exam has two questions  Engineering Professor

exam first day back after spring break "you have the whole week to study!"

exam first day back after spring break

oh, it's your cake day? Lets give you 3 tests and 2 labs this week do you don't have time to notice

oh, it's your cake day? Lets give you 3 tests and 2 labs this week do you don't have time to notice  Engineering Professor

remember this for the quiz not on the quiz

remember this for the quiz not on the quiz  Engineering Professor

Programmed VLAERO+ Can't get VLAERO+ to work in front of undergrads.

Programmed VLAERO+ Can't get VLAERO+ to work in front of undergrads.  Engineering Professor

Announce exam time Four homeworks due that day

Announce exam time Four homeworks due that day  Engineering Professor
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