Engineering Professor

X=X, But not the same X, a different X Room full of blank stares

X=X, But not the same X, a different X Room full of blank stares   Engineering Professor

"ONe can show that..." took gauss forty years to prove

"Don't get bogged down in the algebra; understand the implications of the model." Final exam is all derivation and proofs

Assigns Homework Teaches necessary material after it's due

Assigns Homework Teaches necessary material after it's due  Engineering Professor

"you should really come to office hours" only has office hours when you have other classes.

mathematically speaking you're an idiot

mathematically speaking you're an idiot  Engineering Professor

You did a great job on that memo! B-

You did a great job on that memo! B-  Engineering Professor

Says it is not on test ON TEST

Says it is not on test ON TEST  Engineering Professor

Engineers always work in teams Take tests and exams alone.

Engineers always work in teams Take tests and exams alone.  Engineering Professor

"Everysing you need is giben" No Humidity chart

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