Engineering Professor

"Feel free to email me with any questions you might have" Doesn't reply to emails

part of the 99% who don't give a shit about 99% of the 1%ers!

part of the 99% who don't give a shit                    about 99% of the 1%ers!  Engineering Professor

frequently messes up grading procedures and test questions doesn't allow questioning of grading procedures or test questions

frequently messes up grading procedures and test questions doesn't allow questioning of grading procedures or test questions  Engineering Professor

encourages taking initiative and finishing assignments early cancels assignments

encourages taking initiative and finishing assignments early
 cancels assignments  Engineering Professor

this equation says que me la pelaste

this equation says que me la pelaste  Engineering Professor

sorry i dont have my homework mr. teacher i divided by zero and it burst into flame

sorry i dont have my homework mr. teacher i divided by zero and it burst into flame  Engineering Professor

"Your thesis paper is quite adequate" "You should get a solid high 60% or lower 70%"

"The maths isn't that difficult." Proven track record, lots of experience, realistic policy. Vote SARAH-JANE for CF NAtional Deputy Chairman MEMBERSHIp

"You'll never have to do this in the real world" teach it anyway

Equations sheet will be attached to test Attached equations are irrelevant to subject

Equations sheet will be attached to test Attached equations are irrelevant to subject  Engineering Professor
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