Engineering Professor

HuggerOrange, I stayed up all night long to figure out what happened to your engine.... It blew up!

HuggerOrange, I stayed up all night long to figure out what happened to your engine.... It blew up!  Engineering Professor

be in game soon guys just workin' out my tf2 trades

be in game soon guys just workin' out my tf2 trades  Engineering Professor

Oh, I'm the Professor But my T.A. wrote all this stuff behind me

Oh, I'm the Professor But my T.A. wrote all this stuff behind me  Engineering Professor

can u blame me for being awsome boss moment

can u blame me for being awsome boss moment  Engineering Professor

He lives with his mommy... And you will pay dearly for it.

He lives with his mommy... And you will pay dearly for it.  Engineering Professor

Damn he's busy but thats service for ya

Damn he's busy but thats service for ya  Engineering Professor

"We can sit and discuss your thesis this afternoon" you don't see him for a week

$40k engineering education teach yourself everything

$40k engineering education teach yourself everything  Engineering Professor

Come on you guys are juniors you should know this asks graduate level quesions

Come on you guys are juniors you should know this asks graduate level quesions  Engineering Professor

Do the Math Service learning works

Do the Math Service learning works  Engineering Professor
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