Engineering Professor

Have homework out when teacher walks by, teacher is distracted by other students question forgets your homework and marks it late the next day, refusing to own up to mistake

Have homework out when teacher walks by, teacher is distracted by other students question forgets your homework and marks it late the next day, refusing to own up to mistake  Engineering Professor

"I'm not familiar with the curriculum" teaches different course

Half of class gets 90% half of class gets 85% looks like 85% is an F

Half of class gets 90%
half of class gets 85% looks like 85% is an F  Engineering Professor

"the test should only take an hour if you know the material" takes 3 weeks to make an answer key Caption 3 goes here

assigns 200 pages of review tests you over 5

assigns 200 pages of review tests you over 5  Engineering Professor

30% class average on test "oh we forgot to go over one concept"

30% class average on test

shows up for one out of every four labs doesn't know how to do that lab

shows up for one out of every four labs doesn't know how to do that lab  Engineering Professor

Chick-fil-A it is bullshit

Chick-fil-A it is bullshit  Engineering Professor

Asks if there are any questions Gets angry if somebody asks one

Asks if there are any questions Gets angry if somebody asks one  Engineering Professor

45% midterm average no bell curve

45% midterm average no bell curve  Engineering Professor
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