Engineering Professor

Fail Everyone on final except for shawn

Fail Everyone on final except for shawn  Engineering Professor

I did the math You weigh enought a capsize a small yacht, so yes, there was a chance you would of flipped my boat. Plus add in katie and youre sister and im lucky to be alive.

I did the math You weigh enought a capsize a small yacht, so yes, there was a chance you would of flipped my boat. Plus add in katie and youre sister and im lucky to be alive.  Engineering Professor

You have a test tomorrow? lets learn 5 new chapters by then

You have a test tomorrow? lets learn 5 new chapters by then  Engineering Professor

ah finished and thats how u preform the human centipede kids!

ah finished  and thats how u preform the human centipede kids!  Engineering Professor

get an engineering degree, they said it will be fun, they said

get an engineering degree, they said it will be fun, they said  Engineering Professor

It's just some basic quantum mechanics BABY STUFF

It's just some basic quantum mechanics BABY STUFF  Engineering Professor

Makes you present semester project to the entire school is gone the day before and the day of presentation

Makes you present semester project to the entire school is gone the day before and the day of presentation   Engineering Professor

Knows I graduated. Calls every company in town to make sure I won't get a job.

Knows I graduated. Calls every company in town to make sure I won't get a job.  Engineering Professor

Make sure you copy all the formulas on the board That i'm standing in front of

Make sure you copy all the formulas on the board That i'm standing in front of  Engineering Professor

Yes you can use your notes on the test. What? I NEVER SAID THAT!

Yes you can use your notes on the test. What? I NEVER SAID THAT!  Engineering Professor
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