Engineering Professor

Has this been covered? YEs. continues anyways

Has this been covered?
YEs. continues anyways  Engineering Professor

Wrote the textbook Can't solve any of the problems

Wrote the textbook Can't solve any of the problems  Engineering Professor

"I don't like this textbook" "do it my way"

"everything you need to know is on the syllabus" "assignments" section has formula for calculating weights

Asks if there are any questions Class has so little grasp of what he said that they don't even know what could be asked

Asks if there are any questions Class has so little grasp of what he said that they don't even know what could be asked  Engineering Professor

Student points out error in notes Doesn't bother to fix it

Student points out error in notes Doesn't bother to fix it  Engineering Professor

Science professor at oswego just try to understand my accent

Science professor at oswego just try to understand my accent  Engineering Professor

Spends 30 minutes talking about incomprehensible nonsense "But you're not going to need to know that for this course."

Spends 30 minutes talking about incomprehensible nonsense

you want at least a 90? best i can do is a 50

you want at least a 90? best i can do is a 50  Engineering Professor


 LOL LIKE I GIVE A CRAP  Engineering Professor
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