Engineering Professor

Starts the test 10 minutes into class Does not compensate the 10 minutes after class

Starts the test 10 minutes into class Does not compensate the 10 minutes after class  Engineering Professor

Doesn't grade homework Doesn't give solutions

Doesn't grade homework Doesn't give solutions  Engineering Professor

Has office hours during the lab

Has office hours during the lab  Engineering Professor

The exam will be fill in the blank ____ ______ ____ therefore _______

The exam will be fill in the blank ____ ______ ____ therefore _______  Engineering Professor

You could spend years studying this subject before you fully understand the material. Unfortunately the semester is only 15 weeks long.

You could spend years studying this subject before you fully understand the material. Unfortunately the semester is only 15 weeks long.   Engineering Professor

Hears about upcoming fire drill at 12:00 Gives quiz at 11:55

Hears about upcoming fire drill at 12:00 Gives quiz at 11:55  Engineering Professor

Teach you about Fourier Series? Just generalize what we did to infinite-dimensional function space

Teach you about Fourier Series? Just generalize what we did to infinite-dimensional function space  Engineering Professor

You see this grin on my face? This is how I look when the whole class fails

You see this grin on my face? This is how I look when the whole class fails   Engineering Professor

"Since I forgot to give you the last three weeks of quizzes... Do them now."

" You should have more than enough time to write the test if you know the material!" A problem takes 30% of allocated time just because it has long computations. Exam had 10 questions.

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