Engineering Professor

"I'll provide a formula sheet on the final" Doesn't

"You are not allowed to use your computer in my class" teaches a programming class

Says "don't worry, this won't be tested" tests specifics of that very topic


Says there will be no curve balls on the exam Throws a huge curve ball on the exam, and admits it later

Says there will be no curve balls on the exam Throws a huge curve ball on the exam, and admits it later  Engineering Professor

Tears apart your code style during class presentation Hasn't written a single line of code since 1996

Tears apart your code style during class presentation Hasn't written a single line of code since 1996  Engineering Professor

thinks your elementary errors are funny smells funny

thinks your elementary errors are funny smells funny  Engineering Professor

"Let's review during Dead Week" INTRODUCES NEW MATERIAL

Reads off powerpoint Gets tenure

Reads off powerpoint Gets tenure   Engineering Professor

"This answer should only take 2-3 lines" Solutions contain a 9 line answer!

The iclicker is very inexpensive's only $50 i believe

The iclicker is very inexpensive's only $50 i believe  Engineering Professor
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