Engineering Professor

Forgets to book classroom for final 800 students take final in red square on a friday

Forgets to book classroom for final 800 students take final in red square on a friday  Engineering Professor

i got my strategy all figured out now where's the game?

i got my strategy all figured out now where's the game?  Engineering Professor

Assigns incredibly difficult and tedious homework assignment shows the easy way of solving it after you turn it in

Assigns incredibly difficult and tedious homework assignment shows the easy way of solving it after you turn it in  Engineering Professor

Hello, I am your professor for Quantitative Engineering Physiology And i hope you won't find my thick accent confusing or irritating

Hello, I am your professor for Quantitative Engineering Physiology
 And i hope you won't find my thick accent confusing or irritating  Engineering Professor

Make's you buy $150 textbook listed on the syllabus Tests only use information from his lectures

Make's you buy $150 textbook listed on the syllabus Tests only use information from his lectures  Engineering Professor

"Okay, since you all asked, I'll move the test from wednesday to friday" Goes over new material on wednesday, puts it on test

Instructor mentions video cards, graphics, and gaming in one sentence... Gamers highjack class discussion for the next 30 minutes

Instructor mentions video cards, graphics, and gaming in one sentence... Gamers highjack class discussion for the next 30 minutes  Engineering Professor

"Alright class , time for ICES forms" Class ended ten minutes ago

attendance is graded never takes roll

attendance is graded never takes roll  Engineering Professor

Teaches intro level material expects you to be an expert

Teaches intro level material expects you to be an expert  Engineering Professor
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