Engineering Professor

Don't worry guys, the test won't be that bad Take one look at test and head explodes

Don't worry guys, the test won't be that bad Take one look at test and head explodes  Engineering Professor

"I don't think this is very important for you to know" But since I don't write the exam you should probably know all of it. With mechanisms LOL

You want another way of looking at the problem? Do I look like I teach women's' studies?

You want another way of looking at the problem? Do I look like I teach women's' studies?  Engineering Professor

Hi Brian welcome to my class good luck understanding anything on this wall

Hi Brian welcome to my class good luck understanding anything on this wall  Engineering Professor

You study your ass off the whole semester to complete the project No curve for Matlab. B-

You study your ass off the whole semester to complete the project No curve for Matlab. B-  Engineering Professor

$46,000 a year? Prison Cell Dorm Room

$46,000 a year? Prison Cell Dorm Room  Engineering Professor

4 Midterms this week? Let's throw in an assignment

4 Midterms this week? Let's throw in an assignment  Engineering Professor

It's been 3 hours and no one has turned in their test yet? I'll let everyone have an extra hour to sit here in misery

It's been 3 hours and no one has turned in their test yet? I'll let everyone have an extra hour to sit here in misery  Engineering Professor

no laptops in class i told you in your syllabus

no laptops in class i told you in your syllabus  Engineering Professor

"New Push button Backlink Method Discovered" Drop Dead Simple Formula Anyone Can Learn in 5 Minutes...Even Google Can't Stop this one!

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