Engineering Professor

"You don't want to solve 5x5 matrices or bigger by hand." Assigns 20 6x6 matrices to solve by hand for homework.

Everybody Bitches about my course and me Because they're spoiled millennial idiots that can't keep up

Everybody Bitches about my course and me Because they're spoiled millennial idiots that can't keep up  Engineering Professor

does not apply curve on the econ final because of one single student who got a high grade

does not apply curve on the econ final because of one single student who got a high grade  Engineering Professor

questions? Figure them out on the homework that you are graded on

questions? Figure them out on the homework that you are graded on  Engineering Professor

any number to the power of the number of fucks I give is one

any number to the power of
the number of fucks I give is one  Engineering Professor

"You'll have trouble finishing this project if you wait til after spring break" waits til after spring break to give key information on the project

add events to capture missing traffic too many events to look at

add events to capture missing traffic too many events to look at  Engineering Professor

refers to senior project groups as dry erase markers clearly has a lot of experience

refers to senior project groups as dry erase markers clearly has a lot of experience  Engineering Professor

spends class on how to make meth. ends with "drugs are bad"

spends class on how to make meth. ends with

the exam is evenly distributed 50% on new material

the exam is evenly distributed  50% on new material  Engineering Professor
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