Engineering Professor

All test questions given in english units

All test questions given in english units  Engineering Professor

"take 3 engineering classes, a gen-ed, and senior project in one semester" get fucking destroyed!!

Ask professor what to study day before test "Oh I can't tell you since I haven't written yet"

Ask professor what to study day before test

and that's why bitches can't parallel park

and that's why bitches can't  parallel park  Engineering Professor

Assign practice test chapters 1-4 Practice test all on chapter 4. Test all on chapters 1-3.

Assign practice test chapters 1-4 Practice test all on chapter 4. Test all on chapters 1-3.  Engineering Professor

You kids really spend do much time with your memes and fingernail contests When you become grown up, you'll realize it's much more fun to solve complicated scientific and engineering problems

You kids really spend do much time with your memes and fingernail contests When you become grown up, you'll realize it's much more fun to solve complicated scientific and engineering problems  Engineering Professor

bitches love sean battle

bitches love sean battle  Engineering Professor

"Use the syllabus as a concrete guide this semester." Morning of first exam: uploads new syllabus adding three new reading assignments.

$180 textbook his

$180 textbook his  Engineering Professor

has master's and ph.d in Engineering Can't do simple multiplication

has master's and ph.d in Engineering Can't do simple multiplication  Engineering Professor
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