Engineering Professor

"I think we have time for one more example" class ended five minutes ago

Have to go to class or get in shit prof sounds like microsoft auto-reader on powerpoint

Have to go to class or get in shit prof sounds like microsoft auto-reader on powerpoint  Engineering Professor

Uses non-si units

Uses non-si units   Engineering Professor

Designs complex computer models of proteins Confounded by candy wrappers

Designs complex computer models of proteins Confounded by candy wrappers  Engineering Professor

Introduces topic "This topic is beyond the scope of this course"

Introduces topic

says class shouldn't be about remembering formulas only gives half the necessary formulas on final exam

says class shouldn't be about remembering formulas only gives half the necessary formulas on final exam  Engineering Professor

"as long as you come to class and study the textbook you'll do fine" exam is 100 times harder than anything you've ever seen

6 pages of notes on concept A, one line of notes on concept B 3 questions about concept B on final

6 pages of notes on concept A, one line of notes on concept B 3 questions about concept B on final  Engineering Professor

Doesn't fucking respond to your important emails eventually responds vaguely so late that it's not relevant anymore

Doesn't fucking respond to your important emails eventually responds vaguely so late that it's not relevant anymore  Engineering Professor

"you studied hard and stayed up until 3:00 a.m. to complete the assignment on time? Everyone else was lazy, so I'm extending the deadline 2 days

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