Engineering Professor

"When would you be available to meet?" "Never"

teaches 4 methods to solve problem "ok were not gonna use those methods"

teaches 4 methods to solve problem

"Ohh the professor co taching this class assigned a project too?" "Well you have two weeks still, do both!"

"This material isn't that difficult." Did entire problem completely wrong

Makes the same joke every Yom Kippour: "Elle n'aura rien du tout!"

Makes the same joke every Yom Kippour:

Tells grad students to work harder Shows up to weekly 11am meeting at 1:30pm

Tells grad students to work harder Shows up to weekly 11am meeting at 1:30pm  Engineering Professor

Tries to get laptop working with projector until class is over

Tries to get laptop working with projector until class is over  Engineering Professor

Makes small math error in complex problem I can't believe you guys didn't see that, are you asleep?

Makes small math error in complex problem I can't believe you guys didn't see that, are you asleep?  Engineering Professor

"50 minute class" start 5 minutes late, go 9 minutes over

Every question on your test was correct, congratulations! 82%

Every question on your test was correct, congratulations! 82%  Engineering Professor
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