Engineering Professor

"The formula sheet will have everything you need" Only has basic trig functions

"You don't need a formula page" over 9000 formulas to remember.

Makes his undergrads dedicate 20-30 hours a week for their senior design project Earns his PhD from it. Gives everyone B's and says they didn't do enough work

Makes his undergrads dedicate 20-30 hours a week for their senior design project Earns his PhD from it.  Gives everyone B's and says they didn't do enough work   Engineering Professor

Hopeful aggie engineers come in business and liberal arts majors come out

Hopeful aggie engineers come in business and liberal arts majors come out  Engineering Professor

Receives email never answers

Receives email never answers  Engineering Professor

Demands you get to class on time shows up late

Demands you get to class on time shows up late  Engineering Professor

Says he prefers a socratic teaching environment Laughs when anyone asks a question

Says he prefers a socratic teaching environment Laughs when anyone asks a question  Engineering Professor

uses "v" for velocity switches to x-dot every other line


Requires six books for the class he wrote them all

Requires six books for the class he wrote them all  Engineering Professor

"The final should only take you an hour." everyone stays for three.

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