Engineering Professor

Teaches advanced programming course Uploaded lecture slides are .ppt

Teaches advanced programming course Uploaded lecture slides are .ppt  Engineering Professor

3 doctorate degrees still writes in Greeklish

3 doctorate degrees  still writes in Greeklish  Engineering Professor

there's five different forks... dumbass

there's five different forks... dumbass  Engineering Professor

cumulative final exam covers last day of class that you skipped

cumulative final exam covers last day of class that you skipped  Engineering Professor

Talks about his research the last day of class 25% of Final is on one question on impossible problem of what he studied

Talks about his research the last day of class 25% of Final is on one question on impossible problem of what he studied  Engineering Professor

Is a luddite types and prints out a syllabus for every student

Is a luddite types and prints out a syllabus for every student  Engineering Professor

Puts extra credit question on exam no one gets it right

Puts extra credit question on exam no one gets it right  Engineering Professor

"You'll need to memorize this table I'm writing on the board Copies it from his notes

Assigns absurd amount of material in an attempt to weed out students Gives speech about withdrawal AFTER withdrawal deadline

Assigns absurd amount of material in an attempt to weed out students  Gives speech about withdrawal AFTER withdrawal deadline  Engineering Professor

"i feel like every word is important when analyzing a piece of literature" cuts off lines on photocopies of the text

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