Emma Watson Troll

I love to swallow polyjuice potion when we're sneaking around Hogwarts

I love to swallow polyjuice potion when we're sneaking around Hogwarts  Emma Watson Troll

Nigga Got Trolled .. trololol

Nigga Got  Trolled .. trololol  Emma Watson Troll

i can do amazing things with my mouth like saying really hard spells

i can do amazing things with my mouth like saying really hard spells  Emma Watson Troll

amfetamine made dentist rich since 1964

amfetamine made dentist rich since 1964  Emma Watson Troll

guess what?! i'm over 18! masturbating to me is socially acceptable now

guess what?! i'm over 18! masturbating to me is socially acceptable now  Emma Watson Troll

lolz just kidding bro

lolz just kidding bro  Emma Watson Troll

HEyyyyyyyyyyyyy I know you wanna give me a ride to lookout

HEyyyyyyyyyyyyy I know you wanna give me a ride to lookout  Emma Watson Troll

~90% of Men had at least one sex dream about me y u mad bro?

~90% of Men had at least one sex dream about me y u mad bro?  Emma Watson Troll

I love sucking Lollipops ; )

I love sucking Lollipops ; )  Emma Watson Troll

And i was like.. nigger please

And i was like.. nigger please  Emma Watson Troll
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