
Some times i like to kick back and get my smoke on normaly after sex

Some times i like to kick back and get my smoke on normaly after sex  Einstein

god does not play dice someone give lend him some cash

god does not play dice someone give lend him some cash  Einstein

Particles faster than the speed of light? Shit.

Particles faster than the speed of light? Shit.  Einstein

particulas mas rapidas que la la luz? foto o fake

particulas mas rapidas que la la luz? foto o fake  Einstein

Calculation won't work invent universal constant

Calculation won't work invent universal constant  Einstein

134 Mutual friends? 134 'likes' or I don't believe it

134 Mutual friends? 134 'likes' or I don't believe it   Einstein

Never lie to a woman. But never tell the truth.

Never lie to a woman. But never tell the truth.  Einstein

Neutrinos exceeding the speed of light? I'll have some of what those CERN physicists are smoking.

Neutrinos exceeding the speed of light? I'll have some of what those CERN physicists are smoking.  Einstein

Why, Yes I did invent the poop hat. That's what's up.

Why, Yes I did invent the poop hat. That's what's up.  Einstein

Neutrinos exceeding the speed of light? I'll have some of what those CERN physicists are smoking.

Neutrinos exceeding the speed of light? I'll have some of what those CERN physicists are smoking.  Einstein
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