Dr Evil and minions

Meanwhile, in the staff room... Let's make all the assignments due in the same week!

Meanwhile, in the staff room... Let's make all the assignments due in the same week!  Dr Evil and minions

We'll cancel cartoons brisking with originality And replace them with Family Guy ripoffs!

We'll cancel cartoons brisking with originality   And replace them with Family Guy ripoffs!  Dr Evil and minions

Meanwhile, in the staff room "Let's schedule all tests on the same day!"

Meanwhile, in the staff room

let's put engineering in the middle of two maths exams

let's put engineering in the middle of two maths exams  Dr Evil and minions

we'll make today's workout 10 400m sprints

we'll make today's workout 10 400m sprints  Dr Evil and minions

Malphite a CS squad? Malphite?

Malphite a CS squad? Malphite?  Dr Evil and minions

Let's wait until he's in the shower and then flush all of the toilets!

Let's wait until he's in the shower and then flush all of the toilets!  Dr Evil and minions

and then we'll tell them We'll get back to you with a letter

and then we'll tell them We'll get back to you with a letter  Dr Evil and minions

Work that needs to be done? we'll call it a class project and make them do it!

Work that needs to be done? we'll call it a class project and make them do it! 
  Dr Evil and minions

Let's promote someone But not raise their pay!

Let's promote someone But not raise their pay!  Dr Evil and minions
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