Downvoting Roman

"If u downvote, u don't have a soul!!

Jesus meme without a relevant bible verse? They must be silenced Titus 1:11

Jesus meme without a relevant bible verse? They must be silenced Titus 1:11   Downvoting Roman

"I don't expect this to make it to the front page" I don't either.

'I was told you guys would appreciate this' you were misinformed

'I was told you guys would appreciate this' you were misinformed  Downvoting Roman

Jonas trying to make his own meme? Nay

Jonas trying to make his own meme? Nay  Downvoting Roman

“An unfortunate trend…” …That you’re bringing even more attention to

“An unfortunate trend…” …That you’re bringing even more attention to  Downvoting Roman

"Show me some love!" NO.

If I wanted to hear a boring story about someone's day I'd ask my wife

If I wanted to hear a boring story about someone's day I'd ask my wife  Downvoting Roman

For every upvote i will donate here, Let me save you some money

For every upvote i will donate here, Let me save you some money  Downvoting Roman

"It just had to be done" it just had to be downvoted

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