Downvoting Roman

Haha isn't this a funny meme I made about our university? No

Haha isn't this a funny meme I made about our university? No  Downvoting Roman

"Am I the only one that..." Yes, yes you are

Oh! Is that an upside down joke about australia? How Funny! Have an upvote!

Oh! Is that an upside down joke about australia? How Funny! Have an upvote!  Downvoting Roman

Deal with it? Okay

Deal with it? Okay  Downvoting Roman

OMG first time on the front page! Last time on the front page

OMG first time on the front page! Last time on the front page  Downvoting Roman

"I don't know why i laughed at this" i don't know why you did either

Don't know why your being down voted? you do now

Don't know why your being down voted? you do now  Downvoting Roman

ctrl+f to apply downvotes

ctrl+f to apply downvotes  Downvoting Roman


EDIT: wTF DOWNVOTES?? Yes  Downvoting Roman

"I don't really care about upvotes..." LOVELY

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