Downvoting Roman

Upvoting Obama? I'm Republican

Upvoting Obama? I'm Republican  Downvoting Roman

oh, you own a cat? i own a downvote

oh, you own a cat? i own a downvote  Downvoting Roman

oh, this post is your [first] ? It should also be your [last]

oh, this post is your   [first] ? It should also be your [last]  Downvoting Roman

Fuck me, right ? right

Fuck me, right ? right  Downvoting Roman

"Go ahead and downvote me" Don't mind if I do!

"I walked in and found my pet in this pose" uh huh, right

"I made an account just to..." get downvoted.

You met someone today? Let me introduce you to something else

You met someone today? Let me introduce you to something else  Downvoting Roman

Fuck me, right? Yeah, Fuck you

Fuck me, right? Yeah, Fuck you  Downvoting Roman

"As a parent..." As a downvoter...

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