Downvoting Roman

You saw something IRL that looked like an downvote arrow? You mean like this?

You saw something IRL that looked like an downvote arrow? You mean like this?  Downvoting Roman

Making fun of the artistic skill in a rage comic? Draw this.

Making fun of the artistic skill in a rage comic? Draw this.  Downvoting Roman

"This may be a repost..." Better Downvote Just to be safe

"I'm going to hell for laughing at this" I'll help

"Does anyone else..." Nope. You are the only one out of 7 billion people to experience/think that

"I'm having the worst day ever!" Yes, you are.

No I don't care about Your itchy asshole

No I don't care about Your itchy asshole  Downvoting Roman

le me le downvote

le me le downvote  Downvoting Roman

Use Reddit to fight with your spouse? gtfo.

Use Reddit to fight with your spouse? gtfo.  Downvoting Roman

"I don't want upvotes, I don't want praise" THIS WON'T BE DISAPPOINTING, THEN

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