Downvoting Roman

You found your cat in a dumpster? You should join him

You found your cat in a dumpster? You should join him  Downvoting Roman

"I don't care about karma" Then you won't mind my downvote

Haven't downvoted anything in a while. Why not Zoidberg?

Haven't downvoted anything in a while. Why not Zoidberg?  Downvoting Roman

[fixed] still broken

[fixed] still broken  Downvoting Roman

freeman11 unworthy peasant

freeman11 unworthy peasant  Downvoting Roman

Nailed it? Downvoted it.

Nailed it? Downvoted it.  Downvoting Roman

"I don't care if I get downvoted" Then this won't be a problem

"Saw this on facebook, thought it deserved better" I thought you deserved this.

I enjoy racism and pedophilia but not bad grammar. Downvote

I enjoy racism and pedophilia but not bad grammar. Downvote  Downvoting Roman

This will probably get buried, but... I'll see to that

This will probably get buried, but...  I'll see to that  Downvoting Roman
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