Downvoting Roman

"probably a repost..." you're probably right

[FIXED] nope, still broken

[FIXED] nope, still broken  Downvoting Roman

Cat pictures for your reddit birthday? I'll help you celebrate

Cat pictures for your reddit birthday? I'll help you celebrate  Downvoting Roman

Just learned how to say down-vote in Russian Jakucha

Just learned how to say down-vote in Russian Jakucha  Downvoting Roman

"Omg I cant believe how many upvotes I got! I'm so happy, I cant even think straight!" Let me help you collect your thoughts.

"Not sure why you're being downvoted for this" I am.

Your "first" post you say? Then have your "first" downvote


"This showed up in my FB feed" Where it should have stayed

"Saw this on facebook, thought it deserved better..." You're right, the lack of a dislike option is a shame.

Defending Obama after he signed NDAA? have a downvote

Defending Obama after he signed NDAA? have a downvote  Downvoting Roman
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