Do the laundry they said

Wear a helmet with horns, they said Chicks dig horns, they said

Wear a helmet with horns, they said Chicks dig horns, they said  Do the laundry they said

Its easy to get laid in college they said Everyone Does they said

Its easy to get laid in college they said Everyone Does they said  Do the laundry they said

You're the 100,000th visitor, they said You've won an ipad, they said

You're the 100,000th visitor, they said You've won an ipad, they said  Do the laundry they said

"Come to the library" they said "you'll get work done" they said

study the past papers they said it'll all be on the exam they said

study the past papers they said it'll all be on the exam they said  Do the laundry they said

Masturbate for me, she said It will be hot, she said

Masturbate for me, she said It will be hot, she said  Do the laundry they said

go home over break, they said you'll get good food, they said.

go home over break, they said you'll get good food, they said.  Do the laundry they said

Review the homework, she said that's all that's on the test, she said

Review the homework, she said that's all that's on the test, she said  Do the laundry they said

Take an online class, they said It will be a breeze, they said

Take an online class, they said It will be a breeze, they said  Do the laundry they said

come on down, she said Have a few laughs, she said.

come on down, she said  Have a few laughs, she said.  Do the laundry they said
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