Do the laundry they said

be an actor they said it will be easy they said

be an actor they said it will be easy they said  Do the laundry they said

Get a bachelors in biology they said you'll get a good job they said

Get a bachelors in biology they said you'll get a good job
they said  Do the laundry they said

Post while the Australians are awake, they said You'll get tons of upvotes, they said

Post while the Australians are awake, they said You'll get tons of upvotes, they said  Do the laundry they said

Do the Laundry mom said mom never asked again.

Do the Laundry mom said mom never asked again.  Do the laundry they said

Do the report later they said It will only take 10 minutes they said

Do the report later they said It will only take 10 minutes they said  Do the laundry they said

Go to hillsdale college they said youll still have fun they said

Go to hillsdale college they said youll still have fun they said  Do the laundry they said

Semesters will be better than quarters they said Your workload will be more spread out, they said

Semesters will be better than quarters they said Your workload will be more spread out, they said  Do the laundry they said

You don't need to read chapter 7, he said it wont be on the final, he said

You don't need to read chapter 7, he said it wont be on the final, he said  Do the laundry they said

buy this $200 textbook they said you can resell it at the end of the semester they said

buy this $200 textbook they said you can resell it at the end of the semester they said  Do the laundry they said

paddle thru poop water, they said post it on redit, they said

paddle thru poop water, they said post it on redit, they said  Do the laundry they said
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