Do the laundry they said

Agree to tab Moho they said It'll run like clockwork they said

Agree to tab Moho they said It'll run like clockwork they said  Do the laundry they said

Get a truck, they said So you don't get stuck in the snow, they said

Get a truck, they said So you don't get stuck in the snow, they said  Do the laundry they said

Go to grad school for psychology they said Its a soft science they said

Go to grad school for psychology they said Its a soft science they said  Do the laundry they said

post in /r/freekarma they said you'll get free karma they said

post in  /r/freekarma they said you'll get free karma  they said   Do the laundry they said

Check out reddit they said you'll still have time for school they said

Check out reddit they said you'll still have time for school they said  Do the laundry they said

Make that meme they said You'll get upvotes they said

Make that meme they said You'll get upvotes they said  Do the laundry they said

Rush Tri Delt they said You will stay a virgin they said

Rush Tri Delt they said You will stay a virgin they said  Do the laundry they said

Hello Georgie they said They all float down here they said

Hello Georgie
they said They all float down here
 they said  Do the laundry they said

Take IB they said It's a balanced education they said

Take IB they said It's a balanced education they said  Do the laundry they said

Blow yourself up, THey said 72 Virgins, they said

Blow yourself up, THey said 72 Virgins, they said  Do the laundry they said
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