Disney Logic

Wife dies Attach millions of balloons to house

Wife dies Attach millions of balloons to house  Disney Logic

I want to fork!!!

I want to fork!!!   Disney Logic

doesnt speak - great legs perfect woman

doesnt speak - great legs perfect woman  Disney Logic

wow, a real fork! it must be my fucking birthday!

wow, a real fork! it must be my fucking birthday!  Disney Logic

Beats man with cane Must fly house to venezuela

Beats man with cane Must fly house to venezuela  Disney Logic

sees a woman holding a bundle closely presumes stolen goods

sees a woman holding a bundle closely presumes stolen goods  Disney Logic

See boy Abandon family and friends for to meet him

See boy  Abandon family and friends for to meet him  Disney Logic

hey girls, want to get the guy of your dreams!? don't speak, get a nice set of legs, and make sure he's got a cozy place to stick his wiener!

hey girls, want to get the guy of your dreams!?  don't speak, get a nice set of legs, and make sure he's got a cozy place to stick his wiener!  Disney Logic

Kill puppies Collect furrency?

Kill  puppies Collect furrency?  Disney Logic

Typical Disney female lead. "Ooooh! SHINY!"

Typical Disney female lead.
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