Disapproving Dog

Loocian dps'ing like a boss.. ..yet still using Windows 98 in the south

Loocian dps'ing like a boss.. ..yet still using Windows 98 in the south  Disapproving Dog

Shavette working a full day

Shavette working a full day   Disapproving Dog

22/f, u? 78/robot

22/f, u? 78/robot  Disapproving Dog

When people use a fucking smiley face to caption every single picture.

When people use a fucking smiley face to caption every single picture.   Disapproving Dog

someone's trash talking orangeville again they better lock their doors tonight

someone's trash talking orangeville again they better lock their doors tonight  Disapproving Dog

Damn wackjobs on Facebook again Time to start an argument

Damn wackjobs on Facebook again Time to start an argument  Disapproving Dog

i don't know what this says... But i knw it's pissen me off!!!

i don't know what this says... But i knw it's pissen me off!!!  Disapproving Dog

Ugh! It's so hard to share jack's diabetic alert dog donation link when you don't have opposable thumbs!

Ugh! It's so hard to share jack's diabetic alert dog donation link when you don't have opposable thumbs!   Disapproving Dog

when you forget to logout of facebook

when you forget to logout of facebook   Disapproving Dog

I'm installing a parental lock... Some weirdos out there man

I'm installing a parental lock... Some weirdos out there man  Disapproving Dog
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