Disappointing Childhood Friend


EXISTS.  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Hey want something to drink? tang

Hey want something to drink? tang  Disappointing Childhood Friend

"do you have anything to drink?" diet caffeine-free soda in a glass

Invites you to sleepover 8 p.m. bedtime

Invites you to sleepover 8 p.m. bedtime  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you to family function Mormon gathering

Invites you to family function Mormon gathering  Disappointing Childhood Friend

"want some soda?" Soda water

"Let's stay up all night!" Fell asleep at 9 PM

says he snuck a beer from the fridge o douls

says he snuck a beer from the fridge o douls  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Want some cola? Diet cola

Want some cola? Diet cola  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you over for dinner salad

Invites you over for dinner salad  Disappointing Childhood Friend
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