Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you to sleepover wakes you up for 6 am church with family

Invites you to sleepover wakes you up for 6 am church with family  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you over to watch movies Oh we cant watch that its pg-13

Invites you over to watch movies Oh we cant watch that its pg-13  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Offers to play video games educational

Offers to play video games educational  Disappointing Childhood Friend

want a laffy taffy? Banana

want a laffy taffy? Banana  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Come to summer camp with me! vacation bible school

Come to summer camp with me! vacation bible school  Disappointing Childhood Friend


INVITES YOU OVER TO PLAY OUTSIDE   Disappointing Childhood Friend

INVITES YOU TO SLEEP OVER Doesn't go easy on the pepsi

INVITES YOU TO SLEEP OVER Doesn't go easy on the pepsi  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Come over to colour RoseArt

Come over to colour RoseArt  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you to themepark too scared to ride any rollercoasters

Invites you to themepark too scared to ride any rollercoasters  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Hey I just got a new game! Candyland

Hey I just got a new game! Candyland  Disappointing Childhood Friend
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