Disappointing Childhood Friend

Let's you borrow crayons Roseart

Let's you borrow crayons Roseart  Disappointing Childhood Friend

*You Find army man on the ground at school* Cries because its his and you found it first

*You Find army man on the ground at school* Cries because its his and you found it first  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Lets Watch Cartoons Bible Stories

Lets Watch Cartoons Bible Stories  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Want to play Halo? Game he learned in youth group

Want to play Halo? Game he learned in youth group  Disappointing Childhood Friend

invites you to come over and play nintendo Silver Surfer

invites you to come over and play nintendo Silver Surfer  Disappointing Childhood Friend

"Let's go ride bikes!" "Here, I have an extra helmet."

I have a magazine filled with naked girls National Geographic

I have a magazine filled with naked girls National Geographic  Disappointing Childhood Friend

invites you over to his house grounded from video games

invites you over to his house grounded from video games  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Invites you over Not allowed to eat sugar, play video games, watch TV, or engage in physical activities

Invites you over Not allowed to eat sugar, play video games, watch TV, or engage in physical activities  Disappointing Childhood Friend

Happy birthday to my girlfriend sabrina

Happy birthday to my girlfriend sabrina  Disappointing Childhood Friend
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