Defend the Constitution

Western filmmaker mistakes Burka for common face towel . . . . . . . . Muslim world erupts. Reset button fails. Obama's Cairo speech in tatters.

Western filmmaker mistakes 
Burka for common face towel . . . . . . . . Muslim world erupts. Reset button fails. Obama's Cairo speech in tatters.  Defend the Constitution


 IS A CRIME  Defend the Constitution

Barack Obama Lies Free Speech Dies

Barack Obama Lies Free Speech Dies  Defend the Constitution

Obama 2012 Or else

Obama 2012 Or else  Defend the Constitution

free speech for all who bow to islam

free speech for all who bow to islam  Defend the Constitution

"Freedom... " never more than one generation away from extinction" - Ronald Reagan

Refused to purchase Health insurance

Refused to purchase Health insurance  Defend the Constitution

Defaulted on his student loans

Defaulted on his student loans   Defend the Constitution

Democrats love free speech Unless you disagree with them

Democrats love free speech Unless you disagree with them  Defend the Constitution

a man so evil, so powerful, so devious, so influential, his reach enflamed protests and toppled embassies worldwide... only this t-shirt wrapped around his head could end his reign of terror!

a man so evil, so powerful, so devious, so influential, his reach enflamed protests and toppled embassies worldwide... only this t-shirt wrapped around his head could end his reign of terror!  Defend the Constitution
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