Dawn of the Dead

    Dawn of the Dead

Yeah. And they're saying "Gragha hrann margah naaargnn!" Dude! That's zombie for "Come at me, bro!" Those zombies are moving slowly this way, arms outstretched.

Yeah.  And they're saying

Do you have the MAC? What's a MAC? OMN, got time for a DHCP request?

Do you have the MAC? What's a MAC? OMN, got time for a DHCP request?  Dawn of the Dead

    Dawn of the Dead

"An Innocent man in a living hell..." "..." "...that's the story of the Hurricane."

Hey man, you like Wendy's? Sure, who doesn't! Wendy's nuts are in your mouth!

Hey man, you like Wendy's? Sure, who doesn't! Wendy's nuts are in your mouth!  Dawn of the Dead

Or they day Jesus rose and the corpses in Jerusalem cane to life. Harold Camping was right! Doomsday! Look at the zombies. Reminds me of the 'Thriller' video.

Or they day Jesus rose and the corpses in Jerusalem cane to life. Harold Camping was right!  Doomsday! Look at the zombies.  Reminds me of the 'Thriller' video.  Dawn of the Dead

Guess again. British. Look how stiff they are. Zombies?

Guess again. British.  Look how stiff they are.  Zombies?  Dawn of the Dead

Did you look at it? give me a kissth. I think i'm looking at it.

Did you look at it? give me a kissth. I think i'm looking at it.  Dawn of the Dead

No homo? Well...maybe a little? Looks bad. If we don't make it out alive, I love you, bro!

No homo? Well...maybe a little? Looks bad.  If we don't make it out alive, I love you, bro!  Dawn of the Dead
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