Dating Site Murderer

I never sleep with my clothes on

I never sleep with my clothes on  Dating Site Murderer

IM GONNA GET YOU A Box of Chocolates on Valentine's Day

IM GONNA GET YOU A Box of Chocolates on Valentine's Day  Dating Site Murderer

your dead tired aren't you

your dead  tired aren't you  Dating Site Murderer

you won't wake up in the morning if you stay up so late!

you won't wake up in the morning if you stay up so late!  Dating Site Murderer

I know where you live if i see your missing cat i'll just bring him over myself

I know where you live if i see your missing cat i'll just bring him over myself  Dating Site Murderer

I will rip off your face mask so I can see your beautiful face

I will rip off your face mask so I can see your beautiful face  Dating Site Murderer

i'll be the last thing you see before you die because i'll stay with you forever, even when you're old and blind, i love you

i'll be the last thing you see before you die because i'll stay with you forever, even when you're old and blind, i love you  Dating Site Murderer

I took your children of the corn DVD

I took your children of the corn DVD
  Dating Site Murderer

You will have a deep grave- -lly voice if you continue to smoke

You will have a deep grave- -lly voice if you continue to  smoke  Dating Site Murderer

why don't you all line up to get some beans and tritip

why don't you all line up to get some beans and tritip   Dating Site Murderer
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