
You Got it, You got it! cool

You Got it, You got it! cool  DaFuqProgrammer

This method is 800 lines long What

This method is 800 lines long What  DaFuqProgrammer

Implemented INotifyPropertyChanged instead of using an aspect?

Implemented INotifyPropertyChanged instead of using an aspect?   DaFuqProgrammer

Unit Tests will not pass? What

Unit Tests will not pass? What  DaFuqProgrammer

Index outside bounds of array

Index outside bounds of array   DaFuqProgrammer

File Will NOt Save What

File Will NOt Save What  DaFuqProgrammer

Viewstate is enabled... What

Viewstate is enabled... What  DaFuqProgrammer

TFS Automated build puts assemblines in one folder.

TFS Automated build puts assemblines in one folder.    DaFuqProgrammer

Site blocked because of inappropriate content?

Site blocked because of inappropriate content?   DaFuqProgrammer
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