DAE Dingo

DAE try to read the punchline from the thumbnail pic?

DAE try to read
 the punchline from the thumbnail pic?
  DAE Dingo

Most Underused Meme Makes Front page

Most Underused Meme
 Makes Front page
  DAE Dingo

DAE think that this meme is a fail

DAE think
 that this meme is a fail  DAE Dingo

Selects tv channel with remote already watching that channel

Selects tv channel with remote already watching that channel  DAE Dingo

DAE forget to blink playing video games

DAE forget to blink playing video games  DAE Dingo

DAE try to read the punchline from the thumbnail pic?

DAE try to read
 the punchline from the thumbnail pic?
  DAE Dingo

Make one cool thing on the internet Look at it a billion times

Make one cool thing on the internet Look at it a billion times  DAE Dingo

DAE o DAE 0!

 DAE 0!
  DAE Dingo

ruff ruff thats a hot dog

ruff ruff thats a hot dog  DAE Dingo

Hae I just met you and this is crazy i'm the dingo that ate your baby

Hae I just met you and this is crazy
 i'm the dingo that ate your baby  DAE Dingo
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