Creepy Wonka

Oh, You have a tattoo Please tell me how you are sooooo different from everone else

Oh, You have a tattoo  Please tell me how you are sooooo different from everone else  Creepy Wonka

Oh, you text during movies? You must have so many friends

Oh, you text during movies? You must have so many friends  Creepy Wonka

¿te crees pelolais y pololeas con un flaite? Dime que se siente que el "glamour" se te vaya al carajo

¿te crees pelolais y pololeas con un flaite? Dime que se siente que el

Just thinking about 1st year

Just thinking about 1st year  Creepy Wonka

Oh, you just discovered 4chan? You must think all your reddit friends think your posts are original.

Oh, you just discovered 4chan? You must think all your reddit friends think your posts are original.  Creepy Wonka

Oh, you got a good grade on your final? I would love to hear all about it

Oh, you got a good grade on your final? I would love to hear all about it  Creepy Wonka

"As humans, we love to hear about ourselves; we are naturally selfish" Please, enlighten me further

Facebook tells me you studied at Hogwarts You must be the #1 Harry potter fan

Facebook tells me you studied at Hogwarts You must be the #1 Harry potter fan  Creepy Wonka

Oh, You live on campus and drive to work twice a week? Tell me again how there's no parking issue.

Oh, You live on campus and drive to work twice a week? Tell me again how there's no parking issue.  Creepy Wonka

Oh, You're a Senior in Highschool? You must be taking some really hard classes

Oh, You're a Senior in Highschool? You must be taking some really hard classes  Creepy Wonka
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