Creepy Wonka

Oh, You have an high i.q tell me more about how you dont have that much money

Oh, You have an high i.q tell me more about how you dont have that much money   Creepy Wonka

I'm going to mock you for being new to politics despite my generation's voting record of electing corporatists/racists/homophobes

I'm going to mock you for being new to politics despite my generation's voting record of electing corporatists/racists/homophobes  Creepy Wonka

you have a job where you have to wear a name tag? probably means i don't give a fuck what your name is

you have a job where you have to wear a name tag? probably means i don't give a fuck what your name is  Creepy Wonka

Oh, a Republican? Go on. Make me giggle.

Oh, a Republican?  Go on. Make me giggle.  Creepy Wonka

You've taken Calculus? You must be a math genius.

You've taken Calculus? You must be a math genius.  Creepy Wonka

9-9:50? wow, that's so early

9-9:50? wow, that's so early  Creepy Wonka

You're swagin with the ladies? Please tell me again about how smooth you are

You're swagin with the ladies? Please tell me again about how smooth you are  Creepy Wonka

You are studying on Saturday? Please tell me more about how your life sucks

You are studying on Saturday? Please tell me more about how your life sucks  Creepy Wonka


I hear you like Blake Shelton... PLEASE!, TELL US ALL ABOUT YOUR OTHER FAVORITE SINGERS.  Creepy Wonka

200 pictures of you at the bar and 2 pictures of your kids You must be quite the mom.

200 pictures of you at the bar and 2 pictures of your kids You must be quite the mom.  Creepy Wonka
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