Courage Wolf

fiance wants me to think about taking her last name Not fucking happening

fiance wants me to think about taking her last name Not fucking happening  Courage Wolf

pain is just a word

pain is just a word  Courage Wolf

baby Sister ask for mom Mummi Nai Mummi nai mummi nai

baby Sister ask for mom Mummi Nai Mummi nai mummi nai  Courage Wolf

fills out job application put nothing but the truth

fills out job application put nothing but the truth  Courage Wolf

exercise you fat sack of shit

exercise you fat sack of shit  Courage Wolf

neighbor told to knock off the music knocked off the neighbor

neighbor told to knock off the music knocked off the neighbor  Courage Wolf

give me my food or ill tusle Caption 3 goes here

give me my food  or ill tusle  Caption 3 goes here  Courage Wolf

You take my food I take your hand

You take my food I take your hand  Courage Wolf

walk barefoot on gravel

walk barefoot on gravel  Courage Wolf

They say you're colorblind? define colors yourself in timeless industry

They say you're colorblind? define colors yourself in timeless industry  Courage Wolf
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